Looking For Surreal Lessons That All Life is Joyful?
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Al1 life is Joy ... Eye think that is how it goes
All life is joyBirth, laughter, love, and health are the sources of joy.
All life is sufferingDeath, disease and
The Origin of JoyJoy comes from embracing life, love, laughter and striving for obtainable bliss.
The Origin of SufferingSuffering comes from carving
The Beginning of JoyStart embracing things that bring about birth, love, laughter and life.
The Cessation of SufferingStop craving things that
The Way to Embrace JoyWell, you can find somebody named Joy ... or play around with Dawn (dishwashing liquid) ... lol
The Way to the End of SufferingFollow the Noble Eight-fold path: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.