Do You Know How To Create A Vision of Contribution?


Vision of Contribution for Dream Candidate (Art Work)




One of the most valuable tools you can create is a contribution vision. It can blow your competition away and impress the hiring manager ... maybe enough to offer you the job right there.

So What Is It?

A contribution vision is a statement that shows how you see your self contributing to the organization. It outlines ...



If you are a dream candidate ... you will know this stuff, because you love the industry and have prepared for your dream job ... not just for today ... but for the future as well.

No Frills or Fancy*

This does not have to be a fancy presentation. If you work in a down-to-earth type of industry, it just can be a list on a scrap of paper.

For example, if you dream of raising quarter horses ... it could be keepin' an eye on homeopathic remedies for horses and clipping articles about the use of alternative therapies on injuries. Watching the price of feed and supplements ... and anticipating where prices might go so you can encourage local suppliers or grow your own.

If you want to work in a luxury hotel, it is clipping pictures and building a scrap book of the latest resort remodels and list of spa services. Watching what the competition is doing and thinking ahead to what can do to make your hotel memorable in terms of service, ambiance or amenities. It could just be tracking the impact of smiling or greeting a guest in their native language.


to be continued


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