Are You In The Regenesis Stage?


Life Phase 8: Regenesis


Life Stage 8: Regenesis & Rebirth

On rare occasions, a person will reach the end of a cycle of development (aka a way of life, a career path, a lifelong relationship) before they run out of life force and they will need to evolve.

A Fundamental Transformation

The Re-genesis stage represents the process of undergoing a fun.da.mental* transformation. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, you emerge transfigured and a new life, love or career begins from the ashes of the previous one. You must discover who you now are and the possibilities and opportunities before you -- so this phase includes both the 8th phase of completion and the zero phase of a new beginning.

From here, you begin a new cycle of evolution -- ready to step into a new Exploring stage to map the new identity, life and experiences that await you.

Connecting With The LArger* Story

We are all part of something bigger than ourselves -- and the regenesis phase makes that very clear through its birthing pains. Reading the stories of others who have undergone something similar, or tales of a larger reality, can help. Here are a few recommendations you can find at your local library.



Working Through The Process

One gift you can give yourself or the one going through regenesis -- are tools to help you work through the process. It is important to acknowledge and accept the ups and downs of the process.

A good way to begin is by watching movies about regenesis. They give you a way to talk about and work through the confusion of an internal process of rebirth that is rarely talked about or understood. Here are my recommendations for where to start ... check out the shelves at your local library, Netflix or BlockBuster.





Gifts of Transformation & A New Life

This can be the most challenging stages -- especially if you are watching someone you love go through it. So showing love, kindness and understanding is essential. And a well selected gift can speak volumes ...





life stage example


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