Looking For Art That Changes
Your Life?
Life often turns out to be very different than we thought it would be. Twists and turns can lead us down a very different path than we planned. Yet, the way may reveal a very different part of ourselves ... and teach us the delights and woes we most need to understand.
Buddha Raises A FLower
Discover Fate & Destiny
When you want to break out of the mold you were born into, try describing what fate has in store for you.
Solve The Puzzle on the Box of Life
Living An Extraordinary Life
When life moves out of the ordinary, the extraordinary takes center stage.
Mangae Your Life Stages
Life moves forward in stages ... helping us develop ourselves and the world around us.
Understand Your Life Ages
Life is divided by Shakesphere* into eight life ages that help guide us through our entrances and exits on the stages of life.
Choose Your Life Goals
We all can benefit from carefully choosing the destination or goals of our lives.
Handle Life's Events
Do you know what is occuring in your life and waht lies ahead on the journey?
Follow Your Life Journey
When Life calls, will you pick up the phone and join in the adventure that Life offers?
Find Light & Virtues
Sometimes, it just takes a little light to illuminate a darkened world.
Play The Game of Life
How do you know how to play and win the game of life?
Master Life Tasks & Lessons
There are many things you can learn while you are here ... so hear these ideas ...
Cover Art: A grove of trees in the Garden of Eden grace the cover of this book, as depicted by Giovanni di Paolo.