Can You Identify Your Field of Work?


Career Path One: Pioneer, Explorer, Discoverer, Inventor, Visionary Career Path 2: Nurturing, Advising, Growing, DevelopingCareer Path 3: Expressing, Performing, Storytelling, & ActingCareer Path 4: Building, Organizing, Designing, Planning, Overseeing & OperatingCareer Path Five: Adventurer, Warrior, Cowboy, Protector

Career Path 6: Teaching, Managing & HealingCareer Path 7: Investigating, Researching & TheorizingCareer Path Eight: Administrators, Executives, Owners, Founders & DirectorsCareer Path 9: Guiding, Mentoring & SAging



Do you need an easy way to quickly find the work you excel at? Are you overwhelmed at having to choose a career from a list of 100,000+ jobs?

If so, career paths can help you understand how the world of work is organized and discover the work that fits you best.

Ten Fields of Work To Mix & Match

The world of work is divided up into ten fields that help you find a career by outlining the major activity that you are paid to do. If you can identify what you love to do ... it will help you find a career path that fills your days doing what you love.

Each career path reflects a life path ... a way to move through the world surrounded by the things you love, doing what you love.

Career Path One: Pioneer, Explorer, Discoverer, Inventor, Visionary

Career Path 1: Exploring, Discovering, Inventing, Innovating & Envisioning

Career Path 1 represents careers that pay you handsomely to explore, discover, invent, innovate and envision the future. You work each day with the "new", pioneering the frontiers of scientific, cultural and social development. People who excel in career path one love to leap into the unknown and make it known.

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Career Path 2: Nurturing, Advising, Growing, Developing

Career Path 2: Nurturing, Advising, Growing, Developing, Counseling

People drawn to career path 2 love to help things, people, animals, or ideas grow and thrive. They love to nurture them, give them good advice, provide excellent counsel and develop the best in the people, property or projects around them. They excel at improving life for everyone by nurturing and making things grow - whether that is money, livestock or a spiritual life.

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Career Path 3: Expressing, Performing, Storytelling, & Acting

Career Path 3: Expressing, Performing, Storytelling, & Acting

Careers in Path 3 are all about expression ... of feelings, ideas, and truth. It covers personal expression in all its forms - acting, creating art, making music, writing, and performing. Many people who follow this path create illusions and allusions to reveal truths about human nature and personal realities.

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Career Path 4: Building, Organizing, Designing, Planning, Overseeing & Operating

Career Path 4: Building, Organizing, Designing, Planning, Overseeing & Operating

People who follow career path 4 love to transform ideas and materials into physical form by designing, planning, building and making things. From furniture and cars to transportation systems and satellites ... they create the things we love to use and collect.

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Career Path Five: Adventurer, Warrior, Cowboy, Protector

Career Path 5: Protecting, Guarding, Risk Taking & Adventuring

Adventure, risk and reward are at the heart of career path 5. People who follow this path are drawn to danger, seek to protect, guard and serve others, and excel at overcoming risks. They deal with risk everyday to ensure peace and security for all of us, as well as create thrilling adventures.

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Career Path 6: Teaching, Managing & Healing

Career Path 6: Teaching, Managing & Healing

Knowledge and its use is central to Career Path 6. People who are drawn to these careers love to create, share and use knowledge to heal, manage, organize, analyze, and teach. They love to illuminate the world by communicating ideas, outlining concepts and representing the ideals.

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Career Path 7: Investigating, Researching & Theorizing

Career Path 7: Investigating, Researching & Theorizing

Careers in Path 7 involve researching, experimenting and documenting the reality of our world. People who follow this path work with facts, develop formulas and propose theories to unearth the truth and share it with all of us.

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Career Path Eight: Executive, Owner, Founder, Director, Administrator

Career Path Eight: Founding, Administrating& Directing

These careers focus on taking responsibility for the future and directing the work to create it. They found businesses, administer programs, and direct and lead others. They love to establish order, oversee projects and run organizations. People who follow this path excel at setting goals, hiring people, organizing resources, raising money and sharing authority.

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Career Path 9: Guiding, Mentoring & SAging

Career Path 9: Guiding, Mentoring & Saging

Career Path 9 is all about guiding and mentoring others to reach the goals they desire. They love to spend their days sharing ideas and wisdom with others so they can find what they seek -- whether that is a scenic trail through the forest, a safe path to world peace, or a way to reach enlightenment.

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Life Path Zero: Going Around In Circles, Wanderer In The Desert, Lost

Career Path 0: Going Around In Circles, Wanderer Around Lost, Searching

Some people are searching for work they love ... and career path 0 represents those who have not yet found their focus. These are people still searching for their life's work or are exploring all the possibilities. People on this career path may be sampling a wide range of professions or taking a life detour.

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Other Resources

There are some good articles on the web. Here are a few worth checking out ...

How to Find What You Love to Do at




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