Do You Love To Design, Build, Organize & Manage?


Life Path Four: Builders Book   Icon: Book of Makers (Life Path 4)   Icon: Book of Planners (Life PAth 4) 



Harnessing Chaos & Creativity

Do you love to build and make things? Do you love to organize and optimize the world around you? Or do you love to manage people, resources and budgets?

All these are the primary activities of life path 4 ... working with the physical universe to create the things people need.

Working with Materials

Life path 4 professions all revolve around using the resources of the world and applying human creativity to fashion the things we need to live, work, play and thrive. By giving ideas physical form, we transform basic raw materials into millions of different tools, implements, products and services.

From planning and designing to actually building or making -- the skills run a wide range. Add in the need for managing it all and establishing order ... and you have the activities that life path 4s work with each and every day.

From the houses we live in and the buildings we work in .... to the tools we use and the clothes we wear -- everything is the work of life path 4 craftsmen, tradesman, workers and managers all over the world.




Planners & Planning Careers (Art Life Path)




Designers & Desinging CAreers (Icon Art)



Engineers & emgineering Careers




Managers & Managing Careers - Building Businesses




Making & Makers Careers (sit -> Chair)



Building & Construction CareersCareers

Builders & Construction


Organizers & Organizing Careers






bookshelf of life path 4

next: life path 5


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MAnifest Your Potential ... Cadmus SOwing Seeds of Change & Hope


Self Discovery
  How To Discover Yourself
  Journey of Self Discovery
  Identify Lifepath
     The Nine Life Paths
        0 Still Searching 
        1 Discovering
        2 Nurturing
        3 Expressing
        4 Making
        5 Risk Taking
        6 Healing & Teaching
        7 Investigating
        8 Directing
        9 Guiding
        Find Your Life Path
  Find Your Bliss
  Discover Life Theme
  Discover Life Calling
  Find Life Purpose
  Describe Living Dreams
  Make Dreams Come True
  Art Gallery

  Game of Life
     Fate & Destiny
     Discover Your Potential
  Make Sense of Life
  Art Gallery

  Game of Work
  Find Great Work
  Take Up Life's Work
     Your Dream Job
     Get Hired
     Your Dream Business
  Art Gallery

  Game of Love
  Make Sense of Love
  Art Gallery

  Game of Wisdom
  Make Sense of Wisdom
  Art Gallery

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