0: The* Fool Tarot Card
For fools rush in where angels tread.
- Alexander Pope
Traveling Light
The Fool carries his life in his backpack, on a journey of self discovery to find perfect love ... a pure love hinted at by the white rose and K9. It takes both hands ... the Kaph of the Wheel of Fortune to grasp both the staff of knowledge and the thing sought.
AT (alpha tau) his/her feet is a traveling companion, pure of spirit and a sign of dancing paws. It is pure coincidence there is a brand with that name, for this is a brand new expedition but it originates from somewhere higher .. above.
The Fool is indeed, as well as intent, traveling light. Inside the backpack or rucksack are all teh previous experiences ... but they are locked up with an eagle. And stitched with a children's rhyme of a 'stitch in time saves nine'.
Does The Fool come to save nine, the Idea that began the process? Is this a rescue mission .. and if so, what set him/her on the path down? AT his feet is hidden a rose with a measuring stick, a bud hidden within the rocky stone that has the same look of layers in Fool's Gold.
What action does the Fool need to take?
He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom.
- James Huneker
Are you on a journey where you too hear the words of Basho across the centuries ...
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of wise men, seek what they sought.
Understanding The Fool's Journey
If you seek to understand more of the Fool's journey, you will want to read The Fool's quotes as well as quotes about The Way of Wisdom.
You may experience wisdom sayings yourself ... as in A fool and his money are soon parted. And knowing a few life skills, such as how to Travel Widely will come in handy.
OR perhaps you are in the mood for a story?