Want To See A Life Purpose Statement?


Discovering My Life's Work (Bush Chef)



Life Purpose Statements

If you want to know what you were born to do, what work you were meant to succeed at and accomplish -- creating a life purpose statement is the best way to achieve that.


What is A Life Purpose Statement?

A life purpose statement describes in clear and full detail the reason you exist, why you are here now and how you see your life unfolding.

Why Is A Life Statement Important?

With all the distractions in life, and all the opportunities -- it is hard to separate what is important from what seems urgent or what everyone expects of you. And making life decisions both large and small can be a challenge when you do not know what the future holds or where you are going in life.

A detailed life purpose statement offers you a road map by giving you a clear vision of where you want your life journey to take you. It can act as a compass to help guide you through a maze of job options and college majors. It can help you pick the right school, city to live in and the right next job for you.

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Getting Inspired To Write Your Life Statement

Once you are inspired and ready to get started, it helps to look over some statement examples of life purpose and see how much difference there is between the before and after.

Life Purpose Statement Sample (Before)

Most people, before they work through the questions to discover the ingredients of their life purpose statement, have only a vague idea of what they are meant to do with their life.

Here is a typical sample statement ...


I Have Always Wanted To ...

I have always wanted to do something about ... saving wildlife. When I was growing up, I watched all the nature shows and poured over National Geographic magazine for hours. I love being around animals so for a while I thought I wanted to work in a zoo. I also thought about being a ... chef, but decided it wasn't right for me. My best subject in school was writing, so I got a college degree in English and now I am working in an advertising firm.

My Life Purpose Statement Ingredients

Once you go through the mission statement questions, you come up with a detailed list of all the things, activities, talents, experiences, knowledge, problems, people and places you love ...


Gifts & Talents: What I Am Great At ...



Things I Love: What I Want To Work With ...


Activities I Love: What I Would Love To Get Paid To Do ...


Places I Love: Where I Would Love To Work ...


People I Love: Who I Would Love To Work With ...


Experiences I Love: What Would Make My Workday Amazing



Needs, Problems I Love: What I Would Love To Have An Impact On ...


Creating A Title For Your Life Purpose Statement

As you can see, this detailed list can help you target not just what your want to do with your life, but give it a title so you can know what you are looking for.

In this sample statement, the top three job or business titles are ...

gourmet bush chef for safaris

wildlife storyteller for children or conservation groups

endangered species activist

Each incorporates the major elements of each ingredient -- the only way to tell which one is best is what fits you and your dream best, as well as your lifestyle and relationships.

Life Purpose Statement (After)

Now you are ready to see the final results in a sample statement that speaks to the heart of this life purpose.


My Life Purpose Is ...

I want to be a spokesman for wildlife issues and help people connect their daily actions to saving the wildlife on this planet.

Using my warm engaging voice to create animal voices over the camp stove and after dinner over the camp fire -- I will share stories that highlight the wonders of the nature world and our connection with the animals and wildlife we share this planet with. Finding the humor in daily situations, I will transform the safari and wildlife outback camping trip into an adventure that opens and changes hearts - and starts a wave of quiet understanding and activism for saving endangered species and supporting sustainable environments for wildlife.

After building up a loyal client base, lots of connections with kindred spirits and an awesome network -- when I am ready to settle down I will take my collection of campfire tested and refined stories and record them, becoming a spokesman for endangered species.




The Next Step ...

Now that you have seen the difference getting a shopping list for your life purpose can make in bringing clarity to your life ... is it worth taking the time to find your own ingredient list so you can write your own life purpose statement?


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