Books of Tarot Wisdom
Living & Applying The Ways of Wisdom
Life is full of opportunity, and myths to be lived and unraveled. Care to learn more? Then start thumbing your Way through the ...
Key 1: The Magician, Mercury & MooreThere is a lot the magician is not telling ... like how pointing the finger works with columns of smoke and mirrors. Come read the Books ... inspiring quotes and some popular sayings that hint at the ancient wisdom they contain.
Key 2: The High Priestess, Moon & Silver LiningsOne column of dark and light. One night that enjoins the Sun to shine. What supports your world and keeps it upright? Come read the Books ... inspirational quotes and ancient wisdom about being turned to stone ... Ma.Sun ... know wit'standing.
Key 3: The Empress, Binah & Tulip GardensA woman's work is never done. Gardens need tending unless you get a herd of sheep to keep it in trim shape ... and a shepherdess to manage them along with the whole orchard.
Key 4: The Emperor, Lumen-Aries & Windows of OpportunityWhere does the time go when you are washing dirty windows? Maybe reading a book by Christman Humfrees** and playing sax is all in order. Come learn more about "making hey while the sun shines" and read inspiring quotes and sayings. |
Key 5: The Hierophant, Gebruah & Radical InTellygentsInner voices and the ability to change your world based on the right words at the right time. That gives you something to think about ... ponder if you will.
Key 6: The Lovers, Tipereth & Choices of BeautyWell, is beauty really in the Eye of the Bee Holder? Does a tale on fyre free the average man from the throes of passion that burns like a midnight sun? Hmm. Wood.ent(er) it be fun to find out?
Key 7: The Chariot, Netsach & Nelson's VictoryWhere does Victory end and the hard work begin? Does stopping the bus and getting off the track of the rat race make any sense until you are in a field, surrounded by wildflowers?
Key 8: Strength, Hod, Artistic Perfection & Flower LeisWhat do snakes and candles have in common? Apparently, a lot. Strength comes not only in numbers, but in finding the right relationship with the energies that work around and through us. For now, the only pages available are in the gallery of inspiring resources ... namely inspirational quotes.
Key 9: The Hermit, Yesod & The Sphere of The MoonA bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Lol. What a way to come and go ... like a hermit. Come read the inspiring quotes and how many hands make light work. The rest of the book is still a work in progress. And indeed, Yes is an Odd thief in the Knight.
Key 10: The Wheel of Fortune & The Malkuth KingdomSo, how does braking the Wheel of Hathor get you to 10 and knot to 9 or 11? Does spinning gold out in a workroom really happen outside of fairy tails? And where is that Anubis really heading?
Key 11: Justice, Maat's Feat.her & Great Work TasselsBeing tickled by Maat's feather is one heck of a Way to wake up. Hassles and tassels and the veiled justice pulls over our eyes to help us decide where the Ferryman of the Underworld will dock our pay.
Key 12: The Hanged Man, Magical Love Knots & White HaresWhat else but a magical love knot could keep the hanged man going steady instead of swinging in the Wind like the answer to Inspiring quotes abound, but the rest is a work in progress, if not wholehearted evolution.
Key 13:Death, The Tao & Cadmus Seeds of ChangeOkay, so death and sowing seeds seem like opposites. But are they really? Does not the plant when it dies release back into the world all its energy? Is not the Tao more than a TA (teacher's assistant) for the alpha omega? Where do endings begin and beginnings end, except in each other .... with a nice middle to mark the time of our dish content?
Key 14:Temperance, Mongrels & SagittariusWhat do mon-greals and rainbows have to do with tests and trials? Does a Sage really tarry for Us to get a clue asp to who we really are? Maybe. So, while this book is still a work in progress, you are welcome to check out the gallery of inspiring resources and quotes.
Key 15: Re:new:al, Laughter & AdversariesEnergy unbound is where a young boy is dreaming of the wide world ... looking out to sea. Weather you are looking for a new ally or adversary ... both help you grow. Even when you do not see eye to aye. If you are curious, come read more about the sayings and challenges this key presents. The rest is up to U.
Key 16: The Tower, Heaven's Fyre & I - Chi.NGIf the Truth will set you free, the Tower shows you where to aim your arrows. Heaven's fyre might just be at the route of it All. Since this book is still a work in progress, you are welcome for now to to check out the gallery of inspiring resources ... filled with inspirational quotes.
Key 17: The Star, Aquarius & Aqua JarsStar light, star bright, will I see my true love tonight? What else but love wood drive three Magi into the heart of darkness in order to discover ... what? Only you know what you wish upon ... but wood you recognize it when it fell to earth at your feat?
Key 18: The Moon, Pisces & StrawberriesCan you balance on the Moon? Does the night sky dance with possibilities?
19: The Sun, Sunflowers & Brick WallsCatch a star and put it in your pocket ... and never let it fade away. Whether you look to the sky or feel like you are facing a brick wall ... the sun warms us all.
Key 20: Judgment, Trumpet Flowers & Music LessonsIf you judge me Aunt, will the flowers still trumpet and play tap dancing across my Heart? Taps or Reveille ... you decide win and wear.
Key 21:The World, The Universe & EverythingWhen a good cup of tea overfloweth, this is a nice book to settle down with. Start with the gallery of inspiring resources and quotes.
Game of Wisdom
Make Sense of Wisdom
Green Language
Helpful Hints
Wisdom Keys
The Fool
The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Heirophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
Wheel of FOrtune
The Hanged Man
THe Adversary
The Tower
The Star
The Moon
The Sun
The World
Books of Tarot
Book of Wisdom
Book of Wise Sayings
Book of Hermetic Images
Art Gallery
Self Discovery
Journey of Self Discovery
Identify Lifepath
Find Your Bliss
Discover Life Theme
Discover Life Calling
Find Life Purpose
Describe Living Dreams
Make Dreams Come True
Art Gallery
Game of Life
Fate & Destiny
Discover Your Potential
Make Sense of Life
Art Gallery
Game of Love
Make Sense of Love
Art Gallery
Game of Work
Find Great Work
Take Up Life's Work
Your Dream Job
Get Hired
Your Dream Business
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